We are open and available to assist you with your eye care needs! We value our patients and we are scheduling eye appointments for established and new patients at this time. We offer a safe, clean and healthy environment for your eye care needs and we value your trust and your time. We are taking precautions for your safety and the safety of our physicians and staff. Please call us at 850-784-3936 or 850-763-2020 with any questions that you might have regarding eye care during the current pandemic.
We also want to reassure you of the precautions we are taking for the health and safety of our patients, doctors, staff, and community.
- Prior to scheduling ANY appointments, all calls will be screened for established risk factors of COVID-19.
- The day before your scheduled appointment you will receive a confirmation call and you will be asked several screening questions at that time.
- Upon arrival to our office for your appointment, please call one of the following numbers 850-784-3936 or 850-763-2020 to advise us that you have arrived and you will be given further instructions at that time.
- Please do not bring guests or family members with you for your appointment if it is necessary to have someone drive you, please have them wait in the car.
- You are required to wear a face mask in our office for your safety and the safety of our physicians and staff. Any patient refusing to comply with the face-covering requirement will be rescheduled to a later date.
- Your temperature will be taken prior to entering the office. If you have an elevated temperature, your appointment will be rescheduled.
- To adhere to social distancing practices we have limited seating in our waiting room to ensure your safety.
- All employees will have their temperature checked daily. Staff are required to comply with CDC Guidelines and quarantine rules regarding exposures.
- We have always adhered to the American Academy Of Ophthalmology guidelines for sterilization, sanitizing, and disinfection of all equipment, exam rooms and patient areas, we continue to do so with an enhanced regimen due to COVID 19.
- We are monitoring the CDC for updates, and, as things change, we will adjust our procedures and protocols.
If you or anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 or have had any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or fever within the past 14 days, please do not come to our office. If you or anyone in your household have traveled to a "hot spot" endemic area or out of the area. Please give us a call, and we would be happy to reschedule your appointment. The COVID 19 pandemic information and current guidelines change often. We are committed to providing you with a safe, healthy and clean environment during these trying times. Thank you for trusting Advanced Eye Care with your eye care needs. Advanced Eye Care continues to change the way you see the world even during a pandemic!!